原爆広島・全身火傷、頭髪抜けた被ばく者 Not published in LIFE. Nagasaki, September, 1945. Not published in LIFE. Hiroshima streetcar, September, 1945. Not published in LIFE. Nagasaki, Japan, September 1945. Not published in LIFE. A photo album, pieces of pottery, a pair of scissors Ñ shards of life strewn on the ground in Nagasaki, 1945. Not published in LIFE. Nagasaki, 1945, a few months after an American B-29 dropped an atomic bomb, codenamed “Fat Man,” on the city. Not published in LIFE. The landscape around Urakami Cathedral, Nagasaki, September, 1945. Not published in LIFE. Neighborhood reduced to rubble by atomic bomb blast, Hiroshima, 1945. Bust in front of destroyed cathedral two miles from the atomic bomb detonation site, Nagasaki, Japan, 1945. Not published in LIFE. Hiroshima, 1945, two months after the August 6 bombing. Not published in LIFE. Nagasaki, 1945. Not published in LIFE. Two women pay respects at a ruined cemetery, Nagasaki, 1945. Not published in LIFE. Hiroshima, September, 1945.